The Word Cup registration is now closed and it is almost time for the games to begin. Every team has been put into a group with 7 or 8 teams. There are four groups, the Red Group, Green Group, Blue Group and Yellow Group.
Please click on your group's color at the top of this page to find out your schedule for the Word Cup. The Red and Green Groups have their first matches on Sunday at 10:50. The Blue and Yellow Groups have their first matches on Monday at 10:50. You can also see your standing in the group after every match.
The two best teams from each group will play in the finals. Good Luck!
Please click on your group's color at the top of this page to find out your schedule for the Word Cup. The Red and Green Groups have their first matches on Sunday at 10:50. The Blue and Yellow Groups have their first matches on Monday at 10:50. You can also see your standing in the group after every match.
The two best teams from each group will play in the finals. Good Luck!